person wearing distressed blue denim jeans inside room

No matter how focused we are on our health and well-being, from eating a healthy diet, regular exercise, plenty of sleep, and socialization, from time to time, we will have health issues that we have to deal with. Chronic issues like diabetes, hyperglycemia, fibromyalgia, and gastrointestinal disorders can all show up randomly at different points in our lives. Many people deal with plantar fasciitis, which can be debilitating the first time you encounter it. The plantar fascia is a ligament at the bottom of your foot that connects the heel to the ball of your foot, and it helps to preserve the arch of your foot and takes a lot of the shock we experience with each step. 

Repeated and compounding pressure on the foot can cause irritation and inflammation anywhere along the plantar fascia. Over time or through overuse through walking or jumping on hard surfaces, you can develop plantar fasciitis. The main symptoms of plantar fasciitis are tenderness in your heel or overall foot pain and stiffness ranging from mild to severe. If you’re dealing with this uncomfortable or painful condition currently, keep reading for the best tips to deal with it.

Sleep With a Splint

While wearing a splint during the day would be impractical and uncomfortable, sleeping with one at night can be a game-changer when dealing with plantar fasciitis. There are many splints available for foot and heel pain. Since plantar fasciitis tends to be worse in the morning but improves upon movement, the splint’s stretching nature eases the condition’s morning pain. These splints are affordable and available at drug stores so that you can feel relief tomorrow morning.

Shoes for Plantar Fasciitis

While some people want to save money by using arch supports in their shoes, investing in a pair of shoes specifically for this condition can be a game-changer regarding your pain and comfort levels. Shoes for plantar fasciitis may not be available in your regular shoe store, but they are easy to find online and worth the investment if this debilitating condition has happened to you before. Once you have suffered from plantar fasciitis, you are more likely to develop it a second time, so having the shoes on hand is a lifesaver. Additionally, the condition lasts for quite a while for some people, and even with shipping times, ordering a pair of shoes for this condition while you’re suffering can help you with your first bout.

Rest and Restore 

Depending on the level of responsibilities in your life, from work to children to school, resting when you’re mildly injured can seem impossible, but when you’re suffering from plantar fasciitis, it’s a must. You have to rest your feet so they can heal, and the sooner you rest and restore your body, the sooner you can get back to your regular activities and the things you enjoy. Lean on your community and family members to help make resting more of a possibility if you’re struggling to find the time.

OTC Medications 

While it’s not a good idea to take over-the-counter NSAIDs and pain medications long-term, in the immediate pain of plantar fasciitis, it’s okay to try to take the edge off with over-the-counter pain-relieving medications. If you are still struggling with pain after a couple of days, it’s a good idea to book an in-person or virtual visit with your GP to discuss other options to help manage this painful condition.

Physical Therapy 

If you’re struggling with plantar fasciitis, getting a referral to physical therapy from your general practitioner is a good idea. If you are only in mild discomfort, you can do a version of physical therapy at home by rolling your foot and the arch of your foot over a tennis ball. However, nothing replaces the advice of a professional, so if your plantar fasciitis pain is significant, getting in with a physical therapist can make a world of difference.

Plantar fasciitis is something that most people have never heard of until they experience it for themselves, but if you have, you know how debilitating it can be at times. By taking into account the tips mentioned above to deal with the pain and help your foot heal, you will be back to feeling like yourself in no time!

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